I often speak of the concept of how people think the same thoughts day in and day out, keeping us in the same predicaments that often cause us pain. What we think, we often become unconsciously; both physically and mentally.
After a recent visit to a chiropractor, for a back problem that popped up, I began to see a concept that I often bring forth with the mind. The chiropractor educated me on the idea that the body does the same function day after day, causing the x-rays to reveal spinal curvatures that deviate from what is considered normal. These deviations tend to cause other problems (spasms, cramping, aches, etc.) via the body compensating.
To break this pattern and bring the spine curvature back to normal, it takes various pressures and doing exercises that aren’t normal to one’s “normal” functioning. With corrective exercises and changing body functions, one is able to bring forth a correct spinal shape that once again becomes the new normal for a person. Thereby restoring the wellness that they remembered when they were normal (younger or healthy spine, etc.).
I then thought: This is just like the mind!
We tend to get into habits of thinking that become normal to us. These thought processes become so normal to us, it’s hard for us to notice (when someone asks you how you’re doing, do you say “Same ol, Same ol”)? These thought patterns (fear, doubt, inferiority, stress) cause us to compensate with our daily decisions we are confronted with day to day and often cause us unnecessary pain and confusion.
Often we live with a subtle pain. We get stuck in our mind and don’t know how to break the habits of thinking and doing things that might be hurting us. If we could learn how to change our thinking, we might be able to naturally steer ourselves back to the happiness in life we’d hope for. The same with our spine!
The meditation and concepts that I teach and demonstrate help reveal to anyone to work their mind back to the childlike freedom that they lost in time. My new book, “The tools . . . MEDITATION / HYPNOSIS Change your Thoughts; Change your Life,” reveal insights and techniques to help anyone get their lives back on track with simple understanding and mind tools.